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Sunday 10 July 2011

Private profiles not allowed on Google+

Profiles on Google+ have to be public, and only by individuals.
The new social network, Google+, has given users time till the end of July, to make their profiles public, or they will be deleted.

According to the Google+ FAQs, "nearly all Google Profiles are public", and the aim of these profiles is to manage a public identity.

It says: "Private profiles don't allow this, so we have decided to require all profiles to be public." It adds that full name and gender are the only two items that have to be visible on the public profile, while other items can be hidden from public view if needed.

"If you currently have a private profile but you do not wish to make your profile public, you can delete your profile. Or, you can simply do nothing. All private profiles will be deleted after July 31, 2011," according to the website.

In addition, it has been reported that profiles created by and for businesses are being removed from the networking site, as Google is aiming Google+ solely at individuals.

Google+ is now open to anyone with a Google account, and at a recent press conference, Eric Schmidt, executive chairman, Google, said he would "love to have deeper integration with Twitter and Facebook." Techies will recall that Google real time search no longer includes tweets as the deal fell through.

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