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Saturday 9 July 2011

3D chocolate printer made in the UK

Valentine's Day gifts just got a lot more interesting.
Love chocolate and designing? Researchers in the UK have got just the thing for you.

The University of Exeter's research team has developed a printer that is able to create 3D chocolate, which can be personalised.

The printer creates the 3D chocolate by building up successive layers. Once a layer solidifies, the printer moves on to the next layer. It has apparently received a lot of retailer interest in its prototype stage.

"What makes this technology special is that users will be able to design and make their own products. In the long term it could be developed to help consumers custom-design many products from different materials," said Dr Liang Hao, lead researcher.

People may soon be able to upload their own designs for 3D chocolate printing and delivery, as the team is aiming to develop a consumer interface.

The project is funded as part of the Research Council UK Cross-Research Council Digital Economy Programme and is managed by the Engineering and Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC).

Would you be interested in creating chocolate designs in 3D? Let T3 know what kind of designs you would come up by posting on our Twitter and Facebook feeds, and follow us for more techilicious news.

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