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Saturday 9 July 2011

New MacBook Air: speedier hard drives planned

MacBook AirMove comes less than a year after Apple plumped for high-speed Toshiba SSDs.
Apple’s new MacBook Air will come with new, lightning fast solid state drives. That’s the word from fan site Macotokara, which has been speaking with a source at, “…an Asian electronics component company,” about the plans.

The new SSD will run at a mind-blowing 400MBps and will be smaller than the current version, supplied by Samsung. Toshiba built the first run of SSDs for 2010’s pared down line of MacBook Airs.

What’s more, the hard drive will be soldered onto the base circuit of the new MacBook Air, making it even harder for users to upgrade or change it if they want to. Thunderbolt connectivity and Intel’s newest processors are expected to join the new hard drive under the hood of the updated machine.

When will the new Air be on shelves? It seems Apple is happy to keep users waiting, with multiple sources claiming it won’t be released until Mac OS X Lion is also available. Expect that at the end of July or beginning of August.

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